
Bukit Merah Secondary School Alumni
We are pleased to announce the formation of Bukit Merah Secondary School’s Alumni. Officially incorporated in December 2020, our Alumni is an organization where you can establish meaningful networks as you continue to nurture precious relationships built from your alma mater and cherish shared experiences.
Many Merahans have passed through the school gates since 1968 after experiencing some of the best formative years of our lives. We received a solid education that opened our minds, forged lasting friendships, and imbibed values that still influence us now. Even as we have all moved on with our further education and respective careers, our memories of time spent at Bukit Merah Secondary School still tugs at our heartstrings. For many of us, the sense of belonging remains.
The Bukit Merah Secondary School Alumni aims to serve as an anchor for this sense of belonging.
The Alumni committee welcomes current final year students and all past BMSS students to join the Bukit Merah Secondary School Alumni by signing up at
Membership fee is currently waived and you can look forward to reconnect through diverse projects and gatherings as well as get to know fellow Merahans. So do sign up and let us all come together to build a strong and active Alumni!
Xavier Ang (Graduated in 1998)
Bukit Merah Secondary School Alumni Committee (Pro-tem)
2023 Executive Committee Formation
Mr Xavier Ang
Mr Darren Chong, Principal
Not applicable at the moment
Honorary Secretary
Mr Wun Boon Leng
Honorary Treasurer
Ms Gina Tan
Executive Members
Mr Tan Teck Lee
Ms Amina Begum
Mr Sam Lee Mun Keat
Mr Handy Aulia
Ms Lee Soon Ngoh
Interested to join our Alumni group? Please do visit our Facebook page for more information: